Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two Ruffians Sell Some Ice Creams, Then Go Swimming With Sharks. Cool & Dangerous!

2 New designs for cushions & a tea towel.

'3 Flavours'

Like the 'Pin Cushion' I've deliberately come up with an idea that's better with a bit of colour. You can't have black or beige ice creams, they need some colour, some E numbers otherwise the kids wouldn't buy them, right?

'Shark Swim 3D'

The worlds most dangerous cushion! 

This idea came about due to my fear of living in a bland, safe, risk free home. It's aimed at people who'd like a little more danger in their lives, but spend most of their time on the sofa.

I'm bringing the danger to the masses! Well maybe not the masses, but a few people would be nice though.

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