Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday in the studio sewing cushions with Jack

I spent yesterday in the studio making up some sample cushions which I shot along with the rest of my cushions, bags and tea towels for my wholesale PDF. Now I just need to deep-etch the shots, arrange them on the PDF, add descriptions and email them off to the shops.

Tomorrow I've a couple stores coming to the showroom, and I need to start on some new orders. Then I'll take shots of my clothing and prepare the photos for my website. Before I start mine I've got to get Clair's Curio & Curio site finished, which should have been done weeks ago.

I'll get back to talking about the 'Down Town' card range tomorrow, but for now I'm going to the land of Nod, to dream about colouring in the world, outside the lines.

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